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How to Free Up Space On Android? – Delete the Apps

How to Free Up Space On Android

Since the beginning of Android and until today, how to free up space on android problems with storage has been present.

Little by little, the methods to free up Android space have been changing until reaching the current point.

We currently have several options so that our mobile space is not full, and we are going to explain them to you step by step so that you can take advantage of them.

Delete the Apps you don’t need

  • Little by little, with our mobile’s daily use, we can accumulate countless applications that we do not need.
  • To avoid this, it is recommended from time to time to take a look at the ones we have installed and uninstall them.
  • We can do this from the Settings> Applications section, select the one we want to remove, and then uninstall.
  • In case we want to know which ones we do not use, we can turn to the Google Play Android application store to offer us their help.

First, we enter Google Play

We touch on the drop-down menu and then choose «My applications and games».

  • Now we touch on the “Installed” section
  • And we select storage.

It will show us the information about the space that each of the applications occupies and the last time we have used it to detect which ones we need the least quickly.

Get Extra Storage by Clearing the Cache

  • In case we do not want to delete some applications, but their space has been verified to be high, all we have to do is clear the cache.
  • It will give us a minimum storage bonus, but that can be highlighted if we add this space little by little from all the applications.
  • To carry it out, what we have to do is access Settings> Applications> “Select one”> Storage.
  • We will erase the cache and storage memory in the section that we find, making the application return to the original state.
  • Something very useful in social networks that gradually accumulate thumbnail images on our mobile. watch this movie : game of thrones torrent magnet

Save Photos and Videos to the Cloud

  • It is becoming more common to resort to the cloud to have documents always available.
  • But above all, it was a highly recommended resource to free up space on Android for photos.
  • These files are getting bigger and bigger and having them always available without filling up our mobile storage, and we have Google Photos at our disposal.
  • By simply downloading and installing the Google Photos application, we will be able to create an unlimited backup of our photos and videos in compressed format.
  • The originals can be saved on a hard drive and still always have them at hand.
  • In Google Photos, we also find an option that deletes all the files we already have a completed backup.
  • To use the function to free up space on the mobile, like these files, we go to Google Photos, tap on the drop-down menu and then choose to free up space.
  • A tab will open with information about what we can release and delete automatically. also you can watch this movie : dilwale cast

Move files or Photos to Micro SD Card

  • Another method with which we will be able to free up Android space is using external memory cards.
  • Just by accessing the file explorer of our mobile, we will be able to select photos.
  • Videos or heavy files and choose the option to move them to the memory card.
  • We achieve that our mobile is freed from those files that we do not usually use.

Transfer the Applications to the Memory Card

  • Another resource that we have available is to bring some apps to the memory card.
  • It is not available in all Android customization layers, but in which it is, we only have to access Settings> Applications> Select one of them and then touch the option to move to the Micro SD card.
  • Some apps like those of Google services cannot be moved because they are essential for their operation.
  • It is not recommended if we use the app to move often or if our card does not have a high writing speed because it could slow down the mobile.

Free up Storage on your Mobile

  • With Android 10, one of the options already present in most of the customization layers reached all users.
  • Which allows us to eliminate applications and other unnecessary files. As we have mentioned, each layer does it in its way.
  • And therefore, it is likely that we will have a different look. And options that we will complete later with an added function.
  • Using it is simple, we enter Settings> Storage, and we will quickly see the button to free up space.
  • Then it will direct us to the storage manager that will show us applications. That we do not use and take up a lot of space.