HomeFitness - DietHow to Speed up Metabolism? Does Metabolism Work, and More-2023

How to Speed up Metabolism? Does Metabolism Work, and More-2023

How to Speed up Metabolism

How to speed up metabolism is a set of biochemical processes that occur in our body’s cells. That convert nutrient from food into the energy necessary. For the body to fulfill all its vital functions such as breathing.

Digestion and practically keeping you alive. These complex, interrelated processes are the foundation of life.

There are many easy and effective ways to support your metabolism, many of which involve making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Your metabolism is in control of converting the nutrients in the food you eat into fuel. It provides your body with the energy it needs to breathe, move, digest food, circulate blood, and repair damaged cells and tissues

How to Speed up Metabolism

How does metabolism work?

  • Surely you have heard the expression that a person has a slow metabolism or a fast metabolism.
  • It refers to the fact that a person with a fast metabolism needs a lot of energy compared to a slow metabolism.
  • It also means that the higher your metabolism, the more food you must eat, so it is more difficult to gain weight.
  • For example, there is the idea that an overweight person has a slow metabolism when it is not valid.
  • Since a person’s metabolism, as we will see later, basically also depends on its structure.
  • The heavier a person is, the more energy they will need, and the metabolism will be faster.
  • Because they will need more energy to maintain that weight.

How to Speed up your metabolism?

Our metabolism is made up of the following:

Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

  • The total daily expenditure that a person needs to maintain certain vital functions such as breathing, thinking, sleeping, maintaining posture, etc.
  • It occupies practically 70% of our metabolism and will depend on our body composition.

Thermal effect of food (TEF)

  • They are the calories that our body uses to digest, process and metabolize food depending on its composition.
  • It means that when, for example, you are going to consume fruit, at the moment of ingesting all that energy, our body will spend life digesting it.
  • An approximate estimate is 10% of the total calories consumed per day, that is.
  • If you bother 2000 calories in a day, 10% of those calories will be used to digest those foods or more or less 200 calories.

Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (EAT)

  • They are the calories we burn during any exercise such as swimming, running, weight lifting, home exercises, calisthenics, etc.

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

  • They are the calories we burn from daily activities such as walking, climbing the stairs, dancing, among others.
  • They are activities that we do daily, but that simply the movements we do during the day are not considered exercise.

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